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Atilius's Journal chronicles an assassin's spiritual transformation as he learns the true meaning of forgiveness while helping to open the Cave of Dreams!

Atilius's Journal

An official accessory of the Immortal Empires Role-Playing Game for Mature Players. Atilius's Journal chronicles Atilius's adventure to find the Original Coven and the Original Elements which are needed to open the Cave of Dreams and release the fey trapped inside its icy walls.

Along the way, Atilius transforms from a ruthless Cloud Dancer assassin to a repentant, humble, and wise soul worthy of a more nobler calling, not without the help of his friend Brocious, an honorable Arkadian wolf.All your favorite characters are within these pages: Aunt Julia, Halon, Queen Brud, Maximillian, Optimus, Ophelia, Empress Maximina, and some of them might become trapped on the dangerous red crystal thrones in the Cave of Dreams!

Will Atilius and the Original Coven make all the right choices to free the fey without any side effects? Or will their efforts merely have the effect of freeing the rest of the evil Marunes only?

Both good and evil need the coven to open the Cave of Dreams, but for different reasons. When evil also wants you to do something, does the good that comes from it justify the evil that was also done? Such is the question (among many more right/wrong dilemmas) that Atilius must answer for himself.

Tip: You can also check onNoble Knight Games

to see if they have them on sale!

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